In George Orwell’ s narrative, “A Hanging,” how did the prisoner’s act of “stepping around the puddle” give the author new insight into what was about to happen (the hanging)?

    1. In George Orwell’ s narrative, “A Hanging,” how did the prisoner’s act of “stepping around the puddle” give the author new insight into what was about to happen (the hanging)? In other words, how was he affected?
    2. In the essay, “The Myth of Media Violence,” what is the author trying to argue? What support (facts/examples) does he give for this argument?
    3. In the essay, “The Drug that Pretends it isn’t,” why do people not like to call alcohol a drug? Who are these people in particular that the author mentions?
    4. In the same essay above, what proof does the author give that alcohol is actually worse than illegal drugs? Do you agree or disagree?
    5. In MLK Jr.’ s “Letter From Birmingham Jail,” why does he find it difficult to “wait” for change to occur? What does he mean by this?
    6. After reading the essay, “The great T.V. Debate,” do you believe that T.V. is good educational tool? Or it is doing to opposite of education for young kids and teens?
    7. Most people, nowadays, know what it is like to get a cup of coffee. In the essay, “Getting Coffee is Hard to do,” what could be the author’s more profound purpose in writing this essay?
    8. In the documentary, Escape Fire, we learned about some of the major problems the United States in facing with regards to health care. What do you think should be done in order to improve the quality of health care/ health insurance in this country?
    9. In recent years, there has been much debate over the legalization and/ or decriminalization of Marijuana. Many people agree that it is not as harmful or dangerous as other illegal, and even legal, drugs. What are some reasons the government should or should not allow the legalization of marijuana?

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