In Defense of Empire: The Economics of Underdevelopment

    P.T. Bauer, “The Economics of Underdevelopment”, attached below as a PDF.

    Robert Kaplan, “In Defense of Empire”,

    Both of these articles reflect a certain interpretation of imperialism and its effects on the rest of the world. There interpretation is considerably different than that presented by Mike Davis in Late Victorian Holocausts.

    Your duty is to construct a paper which succinctly summarizes the arguments made by Bauer and Kaplan, and then explain how Davis would respond to their arguments, especially based on Part IV of his book. It is up to you to decide whether the arguments made by Bauer and Kaplan are more convincing, or whether you side with Davis. But you must clearly identify the arguments made by each side, and summarize the evidence (if any) they use.

    Technical details are the same as with the first paper. You must type your paper in a normal, 12 point font, with default (1-inch) margins. Your work must, of course, include careful citations, in Chicago Style (footnotes!), and include a works cited page.

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