In Chapter 1 ofCrime Prevention the author discusses factors that cause crime. S

    In Chapter 1 ofCrime Prevention the author discusses factors that cause crime. Select a specific crime or criminal issue. What are three factors that lead to the crime or criminal justice issue you identified? Identify possible solutions to the crime or criminal justice issue you selected. Why do you think these solutions would be effective solutions? Are your solutions cost effective?I HAVE ALREADY DONE THE ASSIGNMENT ABOVE THE NEXT ASSIGNMENT IS TO:Respond to at least two of your classmates postsReview your classmates solutions in light of their cost effectiveness. Then provide a different point of view that either provides support or constructive feedback. ATTACHED BELOW IS TWO CLASSMATES READINGS I COPIED TO WRITE FEEDBACK ON. YOU HAVE TO WRITE FEEDBACK FOR EACH DISCCUSION (TOTAL OF 2).THERE IS NO WORD COUNT ON HOW LONG IT SHOULD BE BUT PREFER 100 WORDS OR MORE AS FEEDBACK. ANY OUTSIDE SOURCES MUST BE SCHOLARY AND CITED IN APA FORM IF YOU USE THEM IN THE FEEDBACK

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