In Blade Runner, how is the idea and feeling of claustrophobia designed visually? Custom Essay

    (The entire film was a huge cluster which made it very claustrophobic. Firstly, there is a lot of chaos in this city and this is seen right away. The outdoor scenes are full of people, the buildings are close and the billboards are overwhelming. This world just seems like everything opposite of calm and quiet. Then, the entire film is dark and almost film noir style. The darkness makes everything seem much closer than it would seem in the light. Also, the camera shots are very intimate and close up which doesn’t offer much space and even the setting in itself it chaotic. Every scene seems to have many props and they are angled in a way that makes everything seem very close. Even the depth of field makes things that are far away seem much closer than they are. All of these visual techniques contribute to the story line and the mood of the world they live in. If it was shot with more lighting and wider shots then that would change the tone of the film as a whole.)

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