Improvisation: The Drama of Christian Ethics

    You will write three short papers (2-3 pages, 600-800 words) analyzing and commenting on the readings for a given day. Each paper is to be a well-crafted essay, not a list of disconnected thoughts, and your writing skills will be part of the grade. Each paper will to center around one to three salient features of the readings. A

    "salient feature" could be 1) a significant idea or concept discussed in a text, 2) an observation you make about the methodology or argumentation of a text, or 3) a connection you make between one text and another. In your paper, tell why you found these features of the text interesting or important. Think of the

    assignment as an exercise in intellectual hospitality – receptivity to the gift that is being offered by each of the authors. Nonetheless, your essay should go beyond simply summarizing the reading in order to analyze the argument, synthesize with other readings, critique weaknesses, and/or supplement with another viewpoint. This is

    not a reflection paper (i.e., "here’s what the reading brings to mind for me . . ."), but is an academic exercise in critical thinking. You may choose any three days during the semester to turn in your papers, but they must be on the readings due for that day (you may submit papers in advance but not after the fact). As

    part of our seminary efforts to go "green" I am asking that all papers be uploaded to Moodle before class time. Please do not turn in a hard copy of your paper. No credit will be given for a paper that arrives after class time since they are intended to feed your preparation for class discussion.

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