implementation plan of a given company and its place (4p’s of marketing mix)


    write an implementation plan for the company given below ( company description below example will also be sent as an attachment)
    write the place (4p’s of the marketing mix)

    Our company, headquartered in Montpelier, Vermont has been in the domestic market for almost 5 years now. Our headquarters are based in (city in the NE). Our solo product is an innovative sunscreen that can be worn in all conditions.

    Northern Sun Inc. was started in January of 2008 and markets SkiScreen, a unique type of sunscreen that defends intense UVB and UVA rays while skiing. The SkiScreen line of sunblock was first introduced in the Richmond, Vermont market and expanded into other big cities near the Green Mountain National Forest such as Waitsfield one year later, and Rutland one year after that. Our headquarters being in Montpelier has provided us an opportunity to reach the Eastern areas of the Green Mountain National Forest North and South of us. It was a half-hour drive to our first outreach and experimental location of the Cochran Ski Area. There, we were able to effectively market our product to hundreds of school children. We were able to educate them on the importance of protecting one’s skin.
    To our company’s knowledge, Ski Screen is the only credible, protective sunscreen for skiing that is sold in the U.S. recreation, sporting goods, and pharmacy stores. Its high reliability has gained fast, widespread acceptance in these markets as well as standard general stores near ski resorts and areas. In fact, same-store sales doubled in the last year for which data are available. Northern Sun Inc. believes the Ski Screen brand can be extended to reach out to other target markets such as children and those with sensitive skin. In addition, our company is currently developing products geared towards surfing and mountain biking.
    Northern Sun believes its high-quality, medium price strategy has proven successful. This marketing plan outlines how the company will extend its geographical coverage from two markets to 10 markets by the year 2017. We plan to expand the promotion of our product to mainstream market other than solely skiers.

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