Implement a sequential digital system capable of counting from zero to fifteen.

    Practical case study


    Important: Solve using Logicly (free trial) 


    1. Implement a sequential digital system capable of counting from zero to fifteen.

    The design must meet the following requirements:

    Implement it with JK bistables. 

    Use a global clock. 

    The result is displayed on a 7-segment display.

    2. The local soccer team has asked us to create a digital scoreboard system to be able to

    display the result of the match to the spectators.

    The design must meet the following requirements: 

    Reuse the previous design, for this it must be encapsulated.

    Connect 3 push buttons: (Home goal, Away goal and reset).

    The “Home goal” button shows the current score of the home team.

    The “Away goal” button displays the current score of the away team.

    The “reset” push-button performs a reset. 

    Only goals from zero to nine can be displayed.  

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