impact of social engineering on cyberattacks

    The hole research shouldn’t be less than 2500 words (references are excluded)
    The cover page should contain: the search address in Advertising Bold font size 38 and then below it the name of the trainee and his number in the new times Roman font size 18 and then below the search the name of the supervisor in the new times Roman font size 18 and then below the section and the. college in the new times Roman font size 20.
    In the search, the headlines should be in the new times Roman font in size 18, and the sub-helps in the new times Roman font in size 14 and the search text should be in a new times Roman font in size 12.
    The introduction is not more than 250 words.
    To conclude that the search should not exceed 350 words.
    The search should be based on at least 5 references.

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