Impact of marijuana on workplace safety

    Impact of marijuana on workplace safety

    Submit a 5 page paper, using APA format, that addresses the following information:

    Assumptions you should use:

    You are the Safety Manager for a large company – you should customize this report for any ONE of the following industries: construction, manufacturing, oil and gas, or public utilities.
    You have been tasked with preparing a report for your company’s CEO on the potential impact of the legalization of marijuana on safety and health in your industry in general and your company specifically.
    Resources you should use:

    Both of the reports provided on BB
    At least 2 additional legitimate resources
    Web pages listed below for APA and research help

    Use APA format
    Must be a full 5 pages, double spaced, 12 point font, normal margins. Do not exceed 5 1/2 pages.
    Include a cover page with your name and identification of what industry you are focused on for your paper (not part of the 5 pages)
    Include a works cited page with your references listed in proper APA format (again, not part of the 5 pages)
    Cite all of your information in the paper – everything you write should come from a legitimate source and be properly cited. You cannot use any information unless it comes from a source (your personal opinions and thoughts are NOT a legitimate source)
    Grammar and spelling are important.
    Conclude your paper with recommendations for your CEO.
    *Use 2 additional resources and I provide 2 resources to use so the total will be 4.

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