Immigration and California essay: Yeh Ling Ling’s critical perspective on immigration in State Needs a Time-Out Custom Essay

    Yeh Ling Ling’s critical perspective on immigration in �State Needs a �Time-Out� focuses on the adverse economic effects and dimension of immigration for

    California. Using mainly statistics and observations from socioeconomic and educational realities of the Los Angeles metropolis, she calls for a

    significant revision in immigration policy as a tool for addressing issues of downgraded education and declining standard of living. On the other hand,

    Gibbs and Bankhead provide a historical overview of immigration in �Coming to California� and argue that despite conflicts and tensions, and bigotry,

    immigration has turned metropolitan cities such as Los Angeles into a �benchmark for the rest of the country, the initiator of trends, the cradle of

    creativity and the bellwether for change.� Write an essay in which you assess the extent to which the authors are accurate in their arguments. In addition

    to the following primary sources, you should use three additional academic sources in your analysis and evaluation of the primary sources as reflected in

    your thesis statement.
    _Note: I choose the side of Gibbs and Bankhead which is in favor of immigration.
    _In this essay, I choose support that immigration benefits California and also contrast with Yeh Ling Ling’s statement.
    _Please take 3 sources from the text (I will upload the text, called "Coming to California") and 3 sources from outside like internet or

    newspaper (please cite the source at the end.
    _More important, please write a clear thesis in the introduction and conduct a good title for the essay.

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