Illustrate how you would use recruitment, selection and retention procedures

    Focusing on a work role, previous work experience or a voluntary work position, using examples from your own workplace experiences where possible, and drawing on your studies of this subject, please answer ALL four sections below.

    1.    Illustrate how you would use recruitment, selection and retention procedures

    1.1.    Prepare documentation to select and recruit a new member of staff

    Just as asked – prepare an advertisement (internal or external), job description, person specification, and interview panel brief, for a specific vacancy

    1.2.    Assess the impact of legal, regulatory, and ethical considerations to the recruitment and selection process

    Here you should comment on current legislation – for example on discrimination – and business ethic issues – such as aiming to recruit individuals who believe in the ethics, the culture, of the organisation.

    1.3.    Describe your own part in the selection process

    For this you will need to have taken part in a recruitment and selection process. You may need to arrange this, but it is an essential element of this unit. We advise you to talk with your line manager and the HR team to organise this. An observer role would be sufficient if that is all that is allowed.

    1.4.    Evaluate your own contribution to the selection process

    Following on from the above, describe and evaluate your contribution – including how you feel you could have contributed more.

    2.    Demonstrate that you understand the styles and impact of leadership
    (Word Length: Approx. 1500 words)

    2.1. Explain the skills and attributes needed for leadership

    Management and Leadership share many common attributes, but there are established definitions of each which illustrate the differences – you will need to describe the particular attributes, skills, of leaders, rather than managers.

    2.2. Explain the difference between leadership and management

    As outlined above, managers and leaders need some similar skills and attributes, but there are differences, which you must explain.

    2.3. Compare leadership styles for different situations

    For this you will need to describe situations, scenarios, and describe the leadership style which is most relevant for each – for example: when an organisation is in decline and needs reviving, or when staff morale is low, or when there is a major change of direction, or responding to the recession, or when a new technology poses a threat to the organisation’s products, or when there is conflict between internal teams, or between the organisation and some of its stakeholders.

    2.4. Explain ways to motivate staff to achieve objectives

    There are recognised methods of motivating staff – for example with increased financial rewards, but also with encouragement, training, recognition – you will need to list and discuss these.

    3.    Demonstrate how you can work effectively in a team
    (Word Length: Approx. 1500 words)

    3.1.    Assess the benefits of team working for an organisation

    This requires a general response, discussing the benefits of team working – for example, how multiple inputs and consultative, participatory approaches can result in the best solution being found – plus other benefits. You will need to describe and assess the value of these.

    3.2.    Demonstrate working in a team as a leader and member towards specific goals, dealing with any conflict or difficult situations

    For this you will need to describe, just as asked for, how you, personally, have helped a team to achieve a positive outcome from a difficult, or conflict, situation.

    3.3.    Review the effectiveness of the team in achieving the goals

    A broad response is needed for this – giving your view on how effective team work, or a particular team activity, is in achieving operational goals/objectives.

    4.    Demonstrate how you can assess the work and development needs of individuals
    (Word Length: Approx. 1500 words)

    4.1.    Explain the factors involved in planning the monitoring and assessment of work performance

    Here you need to discuss, explain, the role of the line manager, team leader, appraisal system, internal auditing processes, in the monitoring and assessment of work performance.

    4.2.    Plan and deliver the assessment of the development needs of individuals

    For this you will need prepare and actual plan for, and then carry out, an assessment of the development needs of each individual in a particular team. It must be a real, existing team, not an imaginary one.

    4.3.    Evaluate the success of the assessment process

    For this you need to review what you have achieved in carrying out the activity in the point above.

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