The first assignment and first part of this assignment is uploaded.

    Here is the second part of the assignment:

    Our first writing assignment centered upon the definition of the sociological viewpoint toward social problems, and an identification of a social problem that we felt was one of the most significant in society. For this next paper, we will expand upon our understanding of the social problem through analyzing the organizations that are committed to addressing it. For example, with respect to the problems of homelessness, we see a variety of local and national level organizations that seek to enable people the opportunity to have permanent housing. Habitat for Humanity would be an excellent example of an organization that deals with such a concern. In the same sense, we may look at the Salvation Army as a type of organization committed to helping impoverished people, or people recently released from prison or drug treatment, to find gainful employment and reclaim a quality-of-life. Your job in this paper will be to do your own independent research on two organizations that are committed to the social problem chosen in the first writing assignment. This will ultimately lead to our final paper in which we’ll examine the future of the social problem.

    Construct a 2-4 page paper that fully satisfies these two areas:
    Based upon your topic chosen in the first assignment, or based upon an entirely new topic of your choice, describe two organizations (Feel free to do your own independent research on these organizations) that is seeking to address this social problem. (1-2 pages). Note: If you do change topics please get prior approval from you instructor.
    Analyze two major ways that each organization is addressing the social problem you have mentioned. For example, are they helping to create homeless shelters, are they helping people receive drug treatment, or are they working with state and local authorities to curb suffering in some area?
    Use at least four concepts or theories from our text (not used in our first assignment) for each organization. Don’t forget to include proper APA-style citation and reference. (worth 10% of total grade).

    Due on by midnight the Sunday of Week 5 – submit using link in Sakai.

    The paper should be typed, double-spaced, 1” margins, arial or times new roman 11 pt font, and saved as .doc, .rtf or .pdf in the format: lastname_SOCI212_HW2.doc
    DISCLAIMER: Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the results.


    Unless otherwise noted, all assignments are due by the end of each week – Sunday. If you anticipate that an assignment will be late, you must contact me immediately. Penalties will be assessed based on the reason for the late work, and the timeliness of notice. Late work will not be penalized if the reason falls under the following categories: documented long-lasting technical problems that are out of the student’s control, documented family emergencies, and documented extended illnesses.
    Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes:

    Homework Two will evaluate your ability to do the following:

    Course Objectives:
    Course Objective One
    Identify specific social problems and their cause-effect patterns.
    Course Objective Two
    Identify current research methods that are utilized for the investigation of social problems.
    Course Objective Three
    Compare and contrast current and suggested policies, programs, and/or treatments in terms of their effectiveness for alleviating the negative consequences of social problems.
    Course Objective Four
    Apply class concepts to support opinions about social problems.
    Course Objective Five
    Illustrate how the sociological process enables us to identify various social concerns.
    Course Objective Seven
    Apply sociological theories to explain the occurrence and scope of these problems.

    Learning Outcomes:

    Grading Rubric:
    Above Average
    Below Average
    Description of the purpose of these organizations
    Provided detailed description of the social importance of these organizations in solving the chosen social problem (5 points)
    Needed some elaboration on the purpose of these organizations and their role in addressing the chosen social problem (4 pts)
    Needs significantly more detail about the purpose and implication of these organizations in addressing the chosen social problem (3pts)
    Description of the relevance of this organization lacks detail overall. (2pts)
    No description of the organization included (0-1.5 pts)
    Sociological Concepts Identified
    Clearly identified 4 relevant sociological concepts from the readings. (5 pts)
    Clearly identified 3 relevant sociological concepts from the readings, one not clearly identified. (4 pts)
    Clearly identified 2 relevant sociological concepts from the readings. (3pts)
    Clearly identified 1 relevant sociological concepts from the readings. (2 pts)
    Did not clearly identify any sociological concepts (0-1.5 pts)
    Sociological Concepts Defined
    Clearly defined 4 relevant sociological concepts using the text and/or other source(s). (5 pts)
    Clearly defined 3 relevant sociological concepts using the text and/or other source(s); 1 not clearly defined. (4 pts)

    Clearly defined 2 relevant sociological concepts using the text and/or other source(s). (3 pts)
    Clearly defined 1 relevant sociological concepts using the text and/or other source(s). (2 pts)
    Did not include text definitions of sociological concepts (0-1.5 pts)
    Clearly analyzes two major ways the chosen organizations are addressing this key social problem. (5 pts)
    Analyzes two major ways the chosen organizations are addressing this key social problem, but needs more detail on one of these points. (4 pts)
    Analyzes two major ways the chosen organizations are addressing this key social problem, but needs more detail on both of these. (3 pts)
    Analyzes only one major way the chosen organizations are addressing this key social problem. (3 pts)
    Did not apply sociological analysis to chosen organizations. (0-1.5 pts)
    APA Formatted Citations
    Included APA formatted in-text citations and full references for ALL paraphrased and quoted work from other sources. (3 pts)
    Minor errors in APA formatting of citations. (2.4 pts)
    Multiple errors in APA formatting of citations. (2.1 pt)
    Missing some citations, and errors in APA formatting. (1.8 pts)
    No citations included. (0-1 pts)
    Grammar & Spelling
    Author makes no errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. (2 pts)
    Author makes a couple errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. (1.6 pts)
    Author makes a few errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. (1.4 pt)
    Author makes multiple errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. (1.2 pts)
    Authors makes so many errors in grammar and spelling that the intent of the paper cannot be understood. (0-1 pts)

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