Identify the major bones of the human body, Biology Lab – Major bones

    The Bone Lab

    In this Virtual Lab you will play the role of a curator at a natural history museum. The main screen shows your laboratory. Your job will be to reconstruct an ancient skeleton by piecing together bones that were recovered by an archaeologist.

    Lab Objectives:

    1. Identify the major bones of the human body.
    2. Place the major bones of the body in correct anatomical position


    • Please right click on the link below and open the lab in a new tab or window. 

    Major Bones Virtual Lab

    Provide responses to the following questions IN ADDITION to writing a complete and properly formatted lab report. 

    1. What are the major bones in the human body?

    2. Suppose you where diagnosed with the stress fracture of your radius bone. What part of your body has been broken?

    3. Archaeologists have discovered the scapula, ulna, and metacarpals of an ancient human skeleton.What part of the body have they found?

    4. You may have noticed that the bones you identified comes in variety of shapes. Why do you think some bones, such as humerus and femur, have rounded ends? Why do you think other bones such as vertebrae and carpals have flat sides?

    5. Compare the bones of the upper limbs with those of lower limbs. In what ways are the shapes and arrangements of the bones similar? How are they different? Why is this important?

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