Personal Reflection: End-of-Semester Letter
60 points
DUE: Submitted to turnitin on Cougar Courses on the due date (no paper version needed)
The purpose of this assignment is to help you apply communication concepts learned throughout the semester to your own experiences of communication. This assignment asks you to thoughtfully consider your experience in this course, and to reflect upon what you have learned. By exploring the readings, reflecting on team interactions, and discussing your perceptions of the course as a whole, you can gain insight into the complexities of group interaction and the relationships between human communication theory and practice.
This assignment therefore helps fill the following student learning outcomes for this class:
Communication Department Student Learning Objectives for COMM 100 (Mass Media and Communication):
➢ Analyze forms and contexts of communication from a variety of intellectual perspectives (philosophical, historical, theoretical, and practical). (ANALYSIS).
Dr. Rivera’s Student Learning Outcomes for COMM 100:
1-2 pages total (NO MORE THAN 3 Pages);
• You can and should use informal, first person language.
Guidelines: This is a letter, but it’s also an assignment. You’ll balance your informal language with a discussion of at least two (2) concepts from the class somewhere in your
You will list and define the concept (be sure to cite the text book or other
You will then discuss the concept and how it applies to the audience for your
The purpose is to demonstrate your understanding of the course concept!
Rivera, COMM 100, Fall 2019
Audience: You might consider writing to one of the following people (these are IDEAS, but you don’t have to write to one of these people):
o Yourparent(s)
o Your siblings or cousins
o Your kids, hypothetical children, or nieces and nephews/cousins you help raise o Your boss or former boss
o Your teacher (including me!☺)
o Your co-worker
o Your significant other (partner)
o Yourteacher/professor(fromelementaryschoolonup!)
o Yourpastororspiritualleader
o Your team-mate(s) from this class
o Members of your fraternity/sorority or other student organization
o Someone who is different from you, that you learned more about this semester
Course Concepts: You will need to address at least two (2) course concepts in your letter. This could be from any chapter covered this semester, or be any concept discussed in the Team Building Block Assignments.
Here’s some EXAMPLES (you are not required to use one of these):
▪ Discuss organizational communication and emotional labor in a letter to
your boss
You can consider these questions as a PROMPT for what concepts to write about, but you do not have to answer these questions if you don’t want to (and you certainly wouldn’t have space to answer them all anyway!)
▪ What are the most important things you learned?
Rivera, COMM 100, Fall 2019
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COMM 100- End-of-Semester Reflection Letter
60 Points (TOTAL) Evaluative Rubric
Format: Follows a letter format (either formal OR informal). Uses APA guidelines for in-text citations as needed. Is free from grammatical and spelling errors. Meets length requirements.
Course Concepts Defined: Concepts from the course are clear and defined (use the language of the text book, quotations if needed). At least two concepts discussed. Course Concepts Discussed: Concepts from the course are discussed and demonstrate understanding of their meaning. Concepts are used appropriate for context and audience.
Personal Reflection: Includes reflection on how student (author of letter) has experienced this class and/or the concepts learned in this class. Explores overall learning with specific assignment/reading/topic addressed and/or tips presented for the future.
Creativity and Style: Overall presentation, audience, and concepts are both original and cohesive. Letter reflects creativity and personal style of the author.
TOTAL ____/60