identify and explore which theme(s) that link the two readings you are writing on, and (3) conclude with your own reflections.

    In this primary and secondary source analysis, you are asked to summarize, synthesize, and above all analyze ONE weekly secondary source readings in conversation with one of the weekly primary source readings.  In this short paper, you should (1) unpack the arguments and methodologies of the scholar alongside the claims and evidence of the primary source,

    (2) identify and explore which theme(s) that link the two readings you are writing on, and (3) conclude with your own reflections.  

    This is an interpretive short paper.  There is no single “correct” approach to it.  Instead, you will be graded on (1) the rigor of your analysis, (2) the organization and clarity of your essay (i.e. an overarching thesis, strong topic sentences, logically-constructed paragraphs, and proofreading), and (3) your use of evidence from the readings to bolster your argument while providing nuance to it.  

    You may explore any key theme(s) that you see link the readings together.  Avoid simply regurgitating.

    Format: 4-5 pages, 1-inch margins, 12-point font. Times New Roman. Double-space.  

    Please avoid block quoting.  Proper Chicago-style footnotes! (see attached file for more info)


    **primary source:…#v=onepage&q&f=true

    pages: 330-331, 340

    **secondary source: attached in files: Ira Katnelson, “Welfare in Black and White,” in When Affirmative Action was White (2005)

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