Identify a public health problem that can be solved using a policy approach Custom Essay

    Identify a public health problem that can be solved using a policy approach. •Describe this public health problem and explain why it interests you. •Identify the government official or agency (at the local, state, or federal level) to which you want to address your concerns and recommendations. Explain your choice. •Provide evidence of the problem. Support your position with at least three scholarly references as well as other data from credible Web sites. Write a 2–3-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of PLEASE FOLLOW THE GRADING CRITERIA BELOW ADDRESS ALL GRADING CRITERIA Assignment Components Proficient Maximum Points Identify and explain a public health problem that can be solved using a policy approach. Explained and analyzed correctly a public health problem that can be solved by using a policy approach. Scholarly resources are utilized in support. 20 Identify the government official or agency (at the local, state, or federal level) to which you want to address your concerns and recommendations. Justify your choice. Identified and explained accurately, with adequate justification and reasons, the government official or agency to which concerns and recommendations must be addressed. Scholarly resources are utilized in support. 32 Provide evidence of the problem. Support your position with at least three scholarly references as well as other data from credible Web sites. Provided substantial evidence of the problem using scholarly references and data from credible Web sites showing thorough research. 28 Academic Writing Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources

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