Identify a chronic disease or condition

    The purpose of the Research Paper is to provide the student an opportunity to investigate a specific issue or topic and research current literature.  Your paper must be 8 to 10 pages long and include at least five sources from the Ashford Online Library.
    In the Research Paper cover the following content specifications:
    Identify a chronic disease or condition and:
    •Describe the disease or condition from the medical perspective.
    •Provide statistics/data on the numbers of people dealing with/afflicted by the condition. Your data can be city, (e.g. San Francisco, New York, Tulsa, etc.), county, state, e.g. Iowa, Georgia, CA), or US wide specific. Make sure to cite your sources both in-text, and a reference page.
    •Research, identify, and discuss psycho –social challenges of the afflicted patient population.
    •Research and discuss a minimum of two research projects concerning the condition. Include the location of the research projects, and the numbers of people/patients involved in the research studies.
    •Research, identify, and describe two successful community based programs that help in meeting the needs of the population. How many constituents are served by the programs? Budget? How long in operation? Funding source (s)?
    •Describe a minimum of two interventions that could be suggested to assist in minimizing the impact of the illness/condition. Justify implementation of the two interventions you are recommending.
    Writing the Research Paper
    The Research Paper:
    •Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages (excluding the title and reference pages) in length and formatted according to APA style.
    •Must include a cover page that includes: •Student’s name
    •Course name and number
    •Name of paper
    •Instructor’s name
    •Date submitted
    •Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.
    •Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
    •Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.
    •Use APA style as shown in the approved style handbook to document all sources.
    •Must include a Reference page formatted according to APA style.
    •Must include five to eight outside, scholarly sources written within the past five years, in addition to the textbook.
    •Spell and grammar check your paper

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