Identify 5 Securitized commercial real estate loans (CMBS loans) originated between 2003 and 2007.

    Identify 5 Securitized commercial real estate loans (CMBS loans) originated between 2003 and 2007.

    For each, provide as much of the following information as is available:
    Ø Which company borrowed the money?
    Ø How much was borrowed?
    Ø If available, describe the structure of the loan with regard to rate, term, amortization and prepayment penalties (lock out period, pre-payment penalty period, open term, etc.).
    Ø Who is the current borrower (if different than the company that originally borrowed the money)?
    Ø Identify the main contact for the aforementioned company and provide contact information for said person.
    In the presentation, list the databases, reference tools, websites, repositories, etc. utilized to glean this information.

    Please note that the look and feel of the information you present will greatly impact the effect of your presentation. You can present this information in any Microsoft product: Word, Excel or PowerPoint.

    This exercise is meant to gauge your research skills, problem solving capacity and your presentation skills.

    Please note all of this information is available on free websites. There are, of course, subscription services one can purchase, however that is not what you should do. If you have a subscription to a research service (or you know somebody who does), please feel free to use it.




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