*Identification–Twentieth Century and Twenty-First Century Characteristics


    · *Identification–Twentieth Century and Twenty-First Century Characteristics

    Date due: Nov. 6 at 11:30 p.m.

    • Use ONLY the material posted on ENG 252 Content /  Unit II /Background Study Notes /  Notes / Eleven Twentieth Century and Twenty-First Century Characteristics 

    • Use correct. standard English.

    • Submit a minimum of 100 words written in sentences in one paragraph with no listing using the 11 characteristics to identify the Twentieth Century and Twenty-First Century Characteristics. Write the characteristics in acceptable sentences that form one logical paragraph. Do not include any material that is not on the posted notes. Use no outside sources.

    The skill you are using is to take information in one format (list) and to present it in another format (sentences to form one paragraph). They are attached below.



    Robert Frost—“The Road Not Taken" PRQ #2

    Due Date—Nov. 6 at 11:30 p.m.

    • With critical thinking, look at the heading of this assignment and use the named personal response question (PRQ) located at the end of the Frost Author Study Sheet to discuss the question in 50 words. Do I look back on the past and wonder how my life would have been different with different choices?

    • In order to receive credit, use specific material (characters, setting, events) from the named literary work to guide your personal response. A quote is not required; however, if you use a quote, do not just give a quote without explanation of the context.

    • Deductions will be made for grammar errors and misspelled words.

    • Use NO OUTSIDE sources; use only your opinion and specifics from your reading of the literature.


    Edgar Lee Masters—“Lucinda Matlock” PRQ #4

    Due Date—Nov. 6 at 11:30 p.m.

    • With critical thinking, look at the heading of this assignment and use the named personal response question (PRQ) located at the end of the Masters Author Study Sheet to discuss the question in 50 words.  Do I see the description of young people in 1915 in young people I know? (lines 18-19)

    • In order to receive credit, use specific material (characters, setting, events) from the named literary work to guide your personal response. A quote is not required; however, if you use a quote, do not just give a quote without explanation of the context.

    • Deductions will be made for grammar errors and misspelled words.

    • Use NO OUTSIDE sources; use only your opinion and specifics from your reading of the literature.



    T. S. Eliot—“The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” PRQ #7

    Due Date—Nov. 6 at 11:30 p.m.

    • With critical thinking, look at the heading of this assignment and use the named personal response question (PRQ) located at the end of the Eliot Author Study Sheet to discuss the question in 50 words.  Do I think that most people just exist and fail to live?

    • In order to receive credit, use specific material (characters, setting, events) from the named literary work to guide your personal response. A quote is not required; however, if you use a quote, do not just give a quote without explanation of the context.

    • Deductions will be made for grammar errors and misspelled words.

    • Use NO OUTSIDE sources; use only your opinion and specifics from your reading of the literature.


    Harlem Renaissance—Identification

    Due Date—Nov. 6 at 11:30 p.m.

    • (For credit, you must give the source of the information in parenthesis at the end of the entry Both the assignment and source must be submitted AT THE SAME TIME..  Credit will not be given Beheerder for source  sent separately by message; do not send source separately . If you use Internet, you must give the address.)

    • There is no credit for text message style; use standard English.

    • Submit 75 words to give the date, place, and literary significance. Identifying without giving the significance (literary importance, influence) of the identification is not sufficient. Why is this in a literature book?

    • Use the textbook, Internet, the AVL, or SSCC Library.



    Langston Hughes- "Green Memory" PRQ # 2

    Due Date-Nov. 6 at 11:30 pm  (Note: Race will not be part of the response to PRQ # 2.)

    • With critical thinking, look at the heading of this assignment and use the personal response question (PRQ) located at the end of the Hughes Author Study Sheet to discuss the question in 50 words. . What do I think about war profiteers (military-industrial complex) who do not want to war to end because they are making money while people are dying?

    • In order to receive credit, use specific material (characters, setting, events) from the named literary work to guide your personal response. A quote is not required; However, if you use a quote, do not just give a quote without explanation of the context.

    • Deductions will be made for grammar errors and misspelled words.

    • Use NO OUTSIDE sources; use only your opinion and specifics from your reading of the literature.

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