Ice Hockey

    No Plagiarism: The term paper will go through safe assign to check matching percentage please be careful.
    The term paper contains a comprehensive study about the one favorite game of the students. The length of the complete term paper cannot exceed 10 pages the minimum number of the pages are 8.
    Organization General: Cover Page, Table of Content, Reference list, Tables, Pictures and Appendices (if any), are presented in correct order.
    Scientific background General: The document fully follows APA style writing. At least 8 references are used. All references are used as in text citation, at least 2 quotations, supporting the main idea are correctly applied.
    Written clarity General: Student has less than 3 grammatical errors or mistakes and the term paper is well-written, organized and easy to understand and/or follow.
    Introduction Specific: Student demonstrates a suitable literature review containing 5-6 important facts of the chosen Game. The applied skills involved in that game are well explained.
    Materials of the game: All materials for playing the game are explained in details.
    Rules of the game: All rules are well explained and supported with literature.
    Aim of the game: The aim of the chosen game is explained in details. At least 2 major objectives of the games are clearly stated, and at least 2 major learning outcomes of game are explained.
    Age related effects of playing the game: All effects of the game on children and elderly people are well explained.
    Discussion Specific: The discussion includes the benefits of the game and compares the games’ benefits to 4 other games.

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