IBM analytics


    Write a virtual field trip report about IBM analytics. I will upload the specific instructions of what needs to be done, and I will also upload a previous field trip report that you can follow the idea of how to write like you’re me. I also want a picture or 2 for point #5 in the instructions document


    Field Trip Two

    1. The Event is Oracle’s “Oracle Open World.” It is located in the Moscone convention center. It was from Monday, October 1st to Thursday 4th. I attended on WednesdayOctober 3rd.
    2. Unlike the previous event, I didn’t attend this event solely for the purpose of the extra credit; I attended it hoping to benefit from all the information provided. I thought the DreamForce expo was huge, but Oracle “eclipsed” it; not to say the DreamForce expo was small, but the Oracle Open World was even larger. As I mentioned previously in the last field trip report, it fits my interest because I’m previously a Computer Science major (switching it to a minor), and changing major to Finance and double majoring it with either Accounting or International Business.
    3. I learned that hardware now has increased in power magnificently; a couple of decades ago, a 16MB hard drive was a huge processor, where now it is just a tiny flash memory! The event offered mostly systems that companies and industries can use to track information, such as a software that can keep track of money accounts, or a software that keeps track of oil information. It was also interesting to see how these two expos contradict each other, the first one says No to Software, the second one says Yes to Software.
    4. Although they presented strong information in this event, I still find myself leaning toward using the cloud and not software. But this is also useful information since my major is Finance and minor is Computer Science.
    5. Another amazing expo, although less recreational activities than DreamForce. But I believe the intention behind DreamForce was to keep people there and feel “homey,” whereas Oracle Open World was to make people get the information then get rid of them! But it was still an amazing event. Here are some pictures to illustrate.

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