I need to make at least a 75-word comment on my classmates post Extreme Child or Blind Spot Experiences Jennell Class A co-worker named Tasha experienced a blind spot moment of the Johari Window concept at my current job at FedEx. She was an o

    I need to make at least a 75-word comment on my classmates post
    Extreme Child or Blind Spot Experiences
    A co-worker named Tasha experienced a blind spot moment of the Johari Window concept at my current job at FedEx. She was an operations coordinator which is similar to a manager but with limited responsibilities. She was known as the office gossip and the troublemaker. She would unknowingly spread rumors of others workers’ personal and work lives. For example she randomly asked a co-worker if he or she is romantically involved in the another worker. The co-worker told Tasha that she should just focus on work related issues and not gossip. But she did not adhere to the advice. She likes to start trouble at work by denying any faults she has on projects. She tends to put the blame on her subordinates. An example is when she decided to tell an employee to process a package without proper identification. As per FedEx policy no packages should not be released to the customer without proper ID. She used her authority as the operations coordinator to state it was okay for the worker to proceed with the transaction. When the employee was questioned on the mistake a week later Tasha claims that she did not remember informing the employee to release the package. The employee was reprimanded for Tasha’s actions. She denies having any fault in this matter. It difficult to work with someone who does not display integrity or responsibility on their actions. In order to get Tasha out of the blind spot the entire staff would have to discuss their personal and work issues with Tasha to let her know that she is affecting them in a negative way.

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