I need to make a comment on my class mates discussion post. At least 75 words. Patrick while completing the Pearson essay on Business and intercultural communication I begin to notice past mistakes I have witnessed in previous emails. Effective commun

    I need to make a comment on my class mates discussion post. At least 75 words.
    while completing the Pearson essay on Business and intercultural communication I begin to notice past mistakes I havewitnessed in previous emails. Effective communication is so important in today’s businessesineffective communicationcan greatly effect your business in several areas. Workplace friction happened in my office over a joke which the majority of thepeople on the email chain thought was funny except the person thejoke was about. what created the conflict was we didn’t;t know the person had been assaulted as a childThe choice of wordsthe senders sent was in a sexual tone and affectedthisfemale employee in a upsetting way.
    This conflict could have easily been avoided if the sender would have been considerate of others in theoffice and on the email chain the sendershouldhaven’t used or forwarded sexual jokes.This reminds me of ethics in communication we must consider what the message we send will have on the people to whom you send it: Ensure the one of your message is always professional while taking cultural and diversity consideration into account(Pearson 2015a).

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