I need these problems done. Directions are Be aware that with regards to the sq

    I need these problems done. Directions are Be aware that with regards to the square root symbol you will notice that it only shows the front part of a radical and not the top bar. Thus it is impossible to tell how much of an expression is included in the radical itself unless you use parenthesis. For example if we have 12 + 9 it is not enough for us to know if the 9 is under the radical with the 12 or not. Thus we must specify whether we mean it to say (12) + 9 or (12 + 9). As there is a big difference between the two this distinction is important in your notation.Another solution is to type the letters sqrt in place of the radical and use parenthesis to indicate how much is included in the radical as described in the second method above. The example above would appear as either sqrt(12) + 9 or sqrt(12 + 9) depending on what we needed it to say.38) ( this quesion is blurry but it is 3 1/3 3-1/3)72)

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