I need at least 150 words on this Discussion Extreme Child or Blind Spot Experiences Actions for ‘Extreme Child or Blind Spot Experiences’ While reading up on the Johari Window and Transactional Analysis think about some extreme experiences i

    I need at least 150 words on this Discussion
    Extreme Child or Blind Spot Experiences
    Actions for ‘Extreme Child or Blind Spot Experiences’
    While reading up on the Johari Window and Transactional Analysis think about some extreme experiences in your own workplace that applies to one or both of these concepts. In terms of the Johari Window think about an extreme case of a large blind spot that you noticed in a coworker who was clueless about many of their weaknesses or actions that annoyed other workers. In terms of Transactional Analysis think about extreme child behavior that you have seen in a coworker.
    You dont need to discuss both the Johari Window and Transactional Analysis in your post just choose one or the other based on an extreme case that you have experienced. As with the Module 1 Discussion choose an experience that you think would be the most entertaining to your classmates. And make sure to explain how the concept of either the Johari Window blind area or the Transactional Analysis child role applies to the experience you are discussing.
    Do you think you could make my story fit to this discussion? You can make whatever changes you need to make to make it happen. Thank you I appreciate it.
    About two months ago on my civilian job on the railroad I was working with a younger conductor who is the age of 24. I am the locomotive engineer which operates the engine and move the train back and forth with the direction of the conductor who is on the ground. One of the rules in the railroad is to keep a professional communication over the radio and no profanity. Well this young conductor thought it was funny to use the F bomb for every single move. I told him once profanity is not to be used over the radio. The disregard me and kept using profanity. I told the conductor to give me a minute I am going to step down and have a talk with him. I let him know that I was concerned for his well-being and if he thought about hurting himself or intentionally causing an accident. If he is I will get you some help right now. He said no that he was just playing around. I told him that I am almost twice his age and from my point of view listening to him over the radio sounds like he’s going to hurt himself or cause some damages. If he continues with this negative attitude I will refuse to work with him and call management to get him some help. He apologized and said that he would never do it again and ended up finishing the job with no problem.

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