I need at least 150-word comment on classmates post. Negative Messages Jesse Class Two weeks ago all service members in my command were informed that there is a new retirement system that is being implemented. Our Executive Officer took it upon himself

    I need at least 150-word comment on classmates post.
    Negative Messages
    Two weeks ago all service members in my command were informed that there is a new retirement system that is being implemented. Our Executive Officer took it upon himself to personally send a letter to all the sailors in the command. Although this information could have been sent out in a mass email he felt that this new retirement system could have a big impact on his sailors career. He sent out a couple hundred letters individually addressing each sailor on how this new retirement system can impact them and what resources are available. Sending a professional letter versus a mass email is a more effective way delivering this type of message (Xerox 2015). I thought the letter was very effective as he addressed each sailors particular situation in regards to how this retirement system would affect their future. His ability to inform us of the effects and where to find additional information regarding the new retirement system made his approach towards the whole situation extremely effective.

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