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    First Reply
    When it comes to performance and the role of measurement one would have to understand that perspective bench marking sustainability and delivery are very Important because they are all intertwined and all of these qualifications have to work together. You will not get far if these attributes are not included into goals. To have success you must have goals in mind. You should think in the long term and not the short term. There are many businesses that thought long term and still failed so imagine those who only think short term. There is a great chance that failure will be in their future.
    Sustainability is another attribute that needs to be discussed! Our textbook states That it is too easy to be motivated by current success and to do more of the same spending all of the time focusing on the needs of the present. Understanding sustainability shows that you have a plan that goes beyond a few months or years. The people in your organization as well as the goals planned out to keep the company in the right place when it comes to sustainability.
    Delivery is also important because it goes hand in hand with performance. The people in your company have to perform so that the product or process will be done correctly. Whether it is making sure that the employees have the right tools to do the job to making sure they don’t work to long where they will try to find shortcuts is all part of delivery. Everything has to be on a certain level so that all is well.
    This forum askedWhat are the purposes of measurement in managing performance? I would have to say that you would need to know your starting point When this is done you will be able to compare what you do and see how it relates to what was done earlier. You will also see how different departments deliver on performance. Secondly you have to communicate with your employees about what is important to the business. This way they can be more responsible about doing their jobs. This can be seen as influencing behavior which is very important too. You want your people to be motivated so that they have purpose! You also want them to want to continue to learn and gain knowledge this can be seen as another way to stimulate other areas in your business which will improve the business all together.
    BourneM. & BourneP. (2011).Handbook of corporate performance management. Chichester West Sussex: Wiley.
    Second Reply
    Good performance qualifications are important to any organization. It helps an organization identify what their objectives are and how well they are achieving them. The perspective qualification is an important qualification because it helps understand where the viewpoint is coming from when considering objective to meet (Bourne & Bourne 2011). Looking at performance from a financial perspective versus a customer perspective can yield two different goals.
    Benchmarking is an important qualification because it helps an organization improve performance by making comparisons with other businesses. Sustainability is key because performance needs to be maintained at a certain level. If a business go over the threshold of what is sustainable performance will likely decrease (Bourne & Bourne 2011). Delivery is a key performance qualification because I believe this is how performance is communicated. It could be delivered and many ways but it must be accurate.
    The performance measurement system seeks to establish position communicate direction influence behavior. stimulate action and facilitate. However I believe the key purposes of measurement in managing performance to help employees understand what they should be doing and how well they should be doing it. Good leaders play a key role in creating an environment where good performance is delivered (Bourne & Bourne 2011).
    Bourne M & Bourne P. (2011).Handbook of corporate performance management. New York: Wiley.

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