
    Define an area of research of your own choice that is directly relevant to issues addressed in this course, focussing on the twentieth century Caribbean. You may deal with the Francophone, Hispanic or Anglophone Caribbean and can choose to address areas such as the nationalist struggle, post-colonial society, cultural identity (African, Indian, European, mixed), gender, sexuality, religion, popular culture, art etc. Please consult with your tutorial leader if you are unsure about a topic.

    Outline and Annotated bibliography: (3-4 pages, double spaced)
    2 scholarly journal articles
    2 scholarly books
    Course materials: 1 scholarly article or selection
    1 novel (Cereus Blooms at Night)
    2 other works (poem, song, film, etc.)

    Some of the articles used in our course was Readings: Gordon K. Lewis, “The Sociohistorical Setting”
    Stuart Hall, “Negotiating Caribbean Identities”
    Mighty Gabby, “Jack” (song)

    Rex Nettleford, “Communication with Ourselves: The Caribbean Artist and Society”
    Edward Kamau Brathwaite, “History of the Voice”
    Louise Bennett, “Me Bredda” and “Bans a Killing” (poems)Bob Marley, “Redemption Song” (song)
    Mighty Duke, “What is Calypso” (song
    Film: Talk and More Talk

    Film: Indigenous Survivors
    Irving Rouse, “Introduction” to The Tainos

    “The First Missionary: Raymond Breton (1647)” and “Jean Baptiste Labat: A Sojurn in Dominica (1722)” (missionary sources)
    Film: The Sword and the Cross

    Hilary Beckles, “Kalinago Resistance”
    Garnette Joseph, “Five Hundred Years of Indigenous Resistance”
    José Barreiro, “Survival Stories”
    Mutabaruka, “Columbus Ghost” (poem)
    Film: Ship of Slaves: Middle Passage

    Joseph Inikori, “The Slave Trade and the Atlantic Economies, 1451-1870”
    Eric Williams, “The Origin of Negro Slavery”

    Film: Iron in the Soul (selection)

    Vincent Bakpetu Thompson, “The Plantation Hierarchy”
    Barbara Bush, “White ?�Ladies,’ Coloured ?�Favourites’ and Black ?�Wenches’
    Edward Kamau Brathwaite, “Creolization”
    Resistance and Rebellion

    Gordon K. Lewis “The Anti-Slavery Ideology”
    Verene Shepherd, “?�Petticoat Rebellion?’: the Black Woman’s Body and Voice in the Struggles for Freedom in Colonial Jamaica”

    Film: Iron in the Soul (selection)
    Bridget Brereton, “Society and Culture in the Caribbean”
    Woodville K. Marshall, “?�We Be Wise to Many More Tings’: Black Hopes and Expectations of
    Olive Senior, “Window” (short story)
    Jean Rhys, “Our Gardener” (poem) and Wide Sargasso Sea (selection)


    Film: Worlds Apart

    Kusha Haraksingh, “Aspects of the Indian Experience in the Caribbean”

    Rhoda Reddock, “Indian Women and Indentureship in Trinidad and Tobago 1845-1917”

    Walton Look-Lai, “Life and Labor on the Plantations: The Chinese”
    Cheddi Jagan, autobiography growing up
    Haiti: Revolution and Independence

    Film: Out of Africa (selection)

    Michel-Rolph Trouillot, “Culture, Colour and Politics”

    Patrick Bellegarde-Smith, “The Context of Haitian Development and Underdevelopment”
    Edwidge Danticat, “Children of the Sea” (short story)

    Haiti: Revolution and Independence

    Film: Out of Africa (selection)

    Michel-Rolph Trouillot, “Culture, Colour and Politics”

    Patrick Bellegarde-Smith, “The Context of Haitian Development and Underdevelopment”

    Edwidge Danticat, “Children of the Sea” (short story)

    Film: La Grande Illusion

    Justin Daniel, “The Construction of Dependency”

    Frantz Fanon, “West Indians and Africans”

    Aimé Césaire, “An Interview”

    The Hispanic Caribbean: The Myth of Whiteness

    Film: Paradise Lost

    Michiel Baud, “Constitutionally White: The Forging of a National Identity in the Dominican Republic”

    Silvio Torres-Saillant, “Colonial Migration and Theoric Awakening”

    Ana Lydia Vega, “The Day it All Happened” and “Port au Prince Below” (short stories)
    Cuba: Race, Nation and Revolution

    Film: Havana Kids

    José Martí, “Our America”

    Franklin Knight, “Cuba: Politics, Economy and Society”

    Nancy Morejón, “Race and Nation” and “Grounding the Race Dialogue: Diaspora and Nation”

    Nicolás Guillén, “I Came on a Slave Ship” (poem)

    The Anglophone Caribbean: Nationalism and Independence

    Film: Shades of Freedom

    C.L.R. James, “From Toussaint L’Ouverture to Fidel Castro”

    Percy Hintzen, “Race and Creole Ethnicity in the Caribbean

    Louise Bennett, “Dear Departed Federation” and “Independence” (poems)

    Short Shirt, “Illusion” (song)

    Buju Banton, “Untold Stories” (song)

    Mighty Sparrow “Federation”
    Africa and Identity

    Film: Out of Africa (selection)

    Marcus Garvey, “Africa for the Africans,” and “Declaration of Rights of the Negro Peoples of the World.”

    Walter Rodney, “Black Power—Its Relevance to the West Indies”

    Martin Carter, “I Come From the Nigger Yard” (poem)

    Walcott, “A Far Cry From Africa” (poem)

    Louise Bennett, “Back to Africa” (poem)

    Chalkdust, “They ent see Africa at all” (song)

    Bob Marley, “Africa Unite” (song)
    India, Mixed Identities and Pluralism

    Film: Coolie, Pink and Green

    Novel: Cereus Blooms at Night

    V.S. Naipaul, “A Resting Place for the Imagination”

    John La Guerre, “Issues Facing the East Indian Community”

    Rhoda Reddock, “?�Douglarisation’ and the Politics of Gender Relations in Contemporary Trinidad and Tobago”

    Dougla, “Split me in two” (song)

    Brother Marvin, “Jahaji Bhai”

    Tony Wong, “Untitled” (autobiography
    Religion, Festivals and Art

    Film: Community Celebration

    Novel: Cereus Blooms at Night

    Leslie Desmangles, Stephen Glazier & Joseph Murphy “Religion in the Caribbean”

    Veerle Poupeye, “Popular Religion, the Festival Arts and the Visionary”

    Gender and Sexuality

    Film: The Darker Side of Black

    Novel: Cereus Blooms at Night

    Patricia Mohammed, “The ?�Creolization’ of Indian Women in Trinidad and Tobago”

    Cecil Gutzmore, “Casting the First Stone: Policing of Homo/Sexuality in Jamaican Popular


    Edwidge Danticat, “Night Women” (short story)

    Rajandaye Ramkisson-Chen, “When the Hindu Woman Sings Calypso” (poem)

    Negotiating Gender in Popular Culture

    Feature Film: Dance Hall Queen

    Sonjah Niah & Donna Hope “Canvasses of Representation: Stuart Hall, the Body and Dancehall Performance”

    Natasha Barnes, “Body Talk: Notes on Women and Spectacle in Contemporary Trinidad Carnival”

    Film: Jane Finch Again

    Elizabeth Thomas-Hope, “Globalization and the Development of a Caribbean Migration




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