Human services and child protection

    You are required to select one policy or practice within the child welfare system and this can apply to the state, national, or international arena. Please closely follow the guidelines below when conducting your research and writing: 1. The paper will be between 12-15 pages, 12 point, Times New Roman, APA format, not including references, tables, etc. 2. You will research your selected policy or practice in detail and include historical data. 3. Examine and discuss the purpose and benefits of the policy or practice in the child welfare field. 4. Examine and discuss the ineffectiveness of the policy or practice in the child welfare field. 5. Offer and discuss in detail at least three potential and realistic options for change in this policy or practice to make it more effective. 6. You must include at least 10 references, including text books, professional and peer reviewed journals, administrative manuals, and internet sites

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