Human rights

    synthesize the material in relation to our overall focus on human rights and creativity. We began by considering what makes us human, what rights we share as human beings, and what artists and writers offer us when thinking about violations to fundamental human rights. Based on our readings, viewings, and discussion so far, identify three ways that writers help expand our understanding of human rights issues and the experience of people who have survived human rights abuses or who serve as activists in their communities.

    Examples can be used from the following websites

    Nawal El Saadawi was a political prisoner in Egypt for her role as a women’s rights activist. She remains committed to the cause, even today as a woman in her 80s. See the recent coverage of her support for the recent fight to gain democracy in Egypt

    Like El Saadawi, Muniz-Huberman’s piece also conveys the psychological and physical crisis of imprisonment in a very direct, disturbing way.

    In "Blind Chinese Soldiers," Hirabayashi addresses the biological experiments conducted on Chinese soldiers during their internment at Japanese POW camps in the WW II. More extensive background on Japanese war crimes can be accessed through this government archive.
    Finally, we return to the torture of political prisoners in Chile under the Pinochet regime when we encounter Sheila Cassidy’s "Threads Drawn from the Heart." Cassidy also leaves us considering the resiliency of the human spirit and the drive–above all else–to sustain our creative impulse in the face of attempts to destroy mind, body, and spirit.

    If there is any way you can incorporate the Laramie project in this it would be a huge plus

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