Human Resources 5 single spaced pages

    Your oral presentation should last 10 minutes (max)

    Your written report should include:

    One member of your team must post a copy of your paper under “assignments” in Black Board so it can be scanned for plagiarism  ÂÂ
    Team #1. Complying with the Affordable Care Act: The Affordable care act imposes numerous legal standards on the healthcare market , changes how healthcare is delivered and purchased and how HR deals with health benefits. Many provisions are intended to be funded by a variety of taxes and offsets; most are against employers who do not offer heath care benefits to their employees. The act also requires employers to report the value of any healthcare coverage provided to employees. SHRM states that this new coordinated care model offers promise with Accountable Care Organizations (ACO’s). Can ACO’s help the new Affordable Care act success? What are HR’s responsibilities regarding this new law and how will it benefit or hurt the average employee?

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