Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Using relevant research/academic literature, critically review one (1) of the following HR activities that warrants remedial action in an organisation of your choice. This can be a current or past place of work, or an organisation where a friend or relative works.

    training and development
    performance management
    occupational health and safety

    With the support of research/academic literature, you are required to:

    summarise an HR issue/problem that you have identified in the activity area;
    justify why it is important for management to take action to address the issue/problem raised, having regard for its impact on performance (at multiple levels, if this is appropriate);
    taking into consideration constraints that exist in the organisation, use research/academic literature to analyse and assess possible strategies for managing the issue/problem;
    recommend policies and actions based on this assessment. Justify your recommendations;
    be persuasive in your arguments.
    This assignment is designed to:

    familiarise students with the nature of HRM activities and the different perspectives and uses adopted by organisations as compared to what is found in research/academic literature;
    encourage students to explore various HRM theories;
    develop the ability to identify the importance of the HR function in the effective management of people and the achievement of organisational objectives;
    familiarise students with the gap that may exist between academic theories and the real world practice of HRM;
    encourage students to explore the various HR challenges faced by organisations;
    encourage students to develop sound analytical skills based on in-depth literature research, learnt theories, case studies and work practices.
    Marking criteria
    This assignment is essentially about the relationship between HRM activities and organisational strategy. You are using research/academic literature and your understanding of the role of HRM in organisations to give strength to the quality of your arguments. In addition, your assignment will be evaluated upon the following criteria:

    answering the set question, keeping to the topic and covering only relevant issues
    Critical thinking and logical reasoning
    Original thinking based on clearly evaluated evidence
    Adequate use of resources (eg. theories, journal articles, text books) to support arguments and recommendations
    Sound arguments using analysis, explanation and interpretation
    Treat sources critically and carefully, acknowledge their subjectivity. Strengths and weakness
    Readability such as structure; clarity of expression; explanations; linkages and flow; grammar and spelling; use of headings; correct use of the APA referencing system and presentation
    Do not ‘cut and paste’ (copy) verbatim paragraphs and long quotations from source material. Cut and paste excerpts copied will be crossed out and will not be considered as part of the essay.



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