Human Resource Management

    Answer the following questions, in essay form, and APA format:

    1.This first question has two parts. Write about 500 words for eachpart of this question, for a total of about 1000 words.
    a.Looking at the different work systems available to Canadian organizations, what factors do you believe will result in an organization choosing one system over another to achieve its strategic HRM goals?
    b.If you were the Director of HR at a large Canadian organization, what HRM strategies would you adopt to achieve sustainable work systems?

    2.Write about 500 words to answer this question.

    Assume you work in a small-to-medium-sized company—or perhaps a non-profit organization or a public sector service—what new methods would you adopt to establish a more inclusive organizational culture—drawing on the issues discussed in the textbook chapters and Study Guide commentaries? What difficulties might you anticipate, particularly if you wanted a more sustainable and green HRM?

    You can draw on any relevant experience you may have in answering this question

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