Human Resource

    Human Resource
    You have been hired as an external consultant for a software development solutions company in the U.S.A. They already have offices in Germany, Brazil and the U.S.A. They are in a growth stage, and have decided to expand their operations into two new regions: Singapore and Mexico. They have identified three projects for you. Here they are:

    1. A top performer engineer from their office in Germany has been promoted to a management position, and assigned to open operations in Mexico.
    a. Design an executive development program to help her succeed in this new role. Identify learning outcomes, level of knowledge and all the relevant information learned in the course and that applies to this case.

    b. Provide a cross-cultural training program for this new manager from Germany who will be assigned to Mexico. Identify how this training will be evaluated for impact as well as how it will be integrated into the performance evaluation of the employee as well as into his/her compensation.

    2. One of the most frequent reasons for expatriate assignments to fail is the spouse’s lack of integration into the new country. This represents high costs to the company. This organization wants to be proactive and prevent early returns from expatriates from Brazil who will be assigned to a new office in Singapore. Create a holistic plan to that addresses lack of integration to the new country, indicating specific interventions.

    3. Using an open source site, create a website that could be used to ensure that expatriates receive the relevant information about the new country in which they are going to work, regardless of where they are assigned. If you do not have access to an open source site, create a presentation with this information. Be creative and have fun!



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