Human Diseases: A Systemic Approach

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    Review Table 14-1 in Ch. 14 of Human Diseases: A Systemic Approach.
    Select a form of mental illness from the following list:
    ·         ADHD
    ·         Alzheimer’s disease
    ·         Anxiety disorder; select one of the following:
    o    Panic disorder
    o    General anxiety disorder
    o    Any phobic disorder
    o    Obsessivecompulsive disorder
    o    Post-traumatic stress disorder
    ·         Autism
    ·         Anorexia nervosa
    ·         Bipolar disorder
    ·         Bulimia nervosa
    ·         Depression
    ·         Schizophrenia
    Write a 1,300- to 1,650-word paper including the following:
    ·         Explain the history or background of the illness, including myths, misconceptions, and past treatments.
    ·         Describe the signs and symptoms of the selected mental illness.
    ·         Identify the neurotransmitters associated with the illness and discuss how they are related to the signs and symptoms.
    ·         Describe how the illness is diagnosed, including the tests and type of professionals involved.
    ·         Describe the treatments and how the patient’s environment can promote or detract from successful treatment.
    ·         Describe how diagnosis and treatment of the illness today compares to diagnosis and treatment of the past.

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