Human development: Continuing our discussion of the “early childhood” stage of development

    1. Continuing our discussion of the “early childhood” stage of development (roughly ages 2-6), and having looked at the physical, cognitive and language developmental aspects, we now turn our attention to the personality and social cultural development of children in this stage. One of the earliest tasks that young children must cope with is to learn to manage the wide range of feelings and emotions they experience. Please discuss some ways in which anxiety may contribute in a positive way to the social development of young children, differentiating between “fear” and “anxiety.”
    2. Children, like adults, often use defense mechanisms to disguise or reduce anxiety. Mention some of these defense mechanisms used by young children, and give an example how one of these mechanisms can help regulate their emotions.
    3. Read the “Changing Perspectives” article (see attached), that deals with electronic media. What impact does the media culture have on young children? Why do you think violence is such a predominant theme in TV, movies, and video games?
    4. Name the 4 distinctive types of parenting styles, and state what you think which style of parenting lead to the healthiest adjustment for children. Do any of these categories of parenting remind you of your own parent’s approach when you were a child? Why?

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