HRMN 467

    Question 1: Describe in your own words, the difference between an international organization and a global organization. Use citations as appropriate. (DO NOT ANSWER THE QUESTION, REPLY TO THE RESPONSES FROM CLASSMATES) 


    1. Gina Alcca Rivas posted Oct 25, 2017 11:11 PM

    Organizations have different methods to operate. Some companies start as domestic firms which mostly operate within the USA, but with the increase in demand for products/services, they may decide to expand their business and become international firms and then global firms.  An international firm operates in various countries but each foreign business is operated separately. These type of firms typically provide goods and services for the geographic areas surrounding where operations exist. In contrast, global organizations have corporate units in many countries that are integrated to operate as one organization worldwide. (Types of Global Organizations, n.d). Also, organizations find it challenging when it comes to dealing with International HRM, particular in the areas of planning and staffing, recruitment and selection, appraisal and development, rewards as employees have different cultures, values, and perspectives. IHRM deals with a broader range of activities such as international taxation, international relocation, and coordinating foreign currencies and exchange rates. (Difference between Global or IHRM and Domestic HRM, n.d.).


    Difference between Global or IHRM and Domestic HRM. (n.d.). Retrieved October 25, 2017, from

    Types of Global Organizations. (n.d.). Retrieved October 25, 2017, from


    2. Roshni Malik posted Oct 26, 2017 4:52 PM

    International Organizations are headquartered in the United States but have investments outside of the country, where as Global organizations have investments and profit centers in many different countries with no single center of dominance. 


    Question 2: How can we use Hofstede's four dimensions–power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism, and masculinity–to gain insights into leader-subordinate relationships around the world? (DO NOT ANSWER THE QUESTION, REPLY TO THE RESPONSES FROM CLASSMATES)


    1. Oscar Lopez posted Oct 26, 2017 2:47 AM

    After analyzing this weeks material. Hofstede's dimensional views are focused mainly on national cultures from my point of view. As such, one can see how it happens to apply to todays leader-subordinate relationships. Globalization and diversity has placed leaders having to adapt to employees different backgrounds all around the world.

    I happen to work for the government overseas (Germany). Leaders in my organization are placed in positions were they are to be supervisors of local nationals.  This forces them into an arena of understanding were all five dimensions prove extremely pivotal for the proper flow within the organization. German workers in my experience happen to be more individualistic than American employees, not necessarily a bad thing just an observatory fact when assessing this specific dimensional approach ("5 Cultural Dimensions," n.d.).


    5 Cultural Dimensions. (n.d.). Retrieved from


    2. Gina Alcca Rivas posted Oct 26, 2017 12:14 AM

    Hofstede's four dimensions of cultural value can indeed help gain insights into leader-subordinate relationships around the world. The four dimensions, individualism-collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and masculinity-femininity can help leaders understand better individuals and perspectives. When dealing with international / global companies, it is empirical that organizations analyze and evaluate foreign companies to see the differences across their cultures. According to Hofstede's cultural dimension, individualistic societies care for themselves and their immediate families. Whereas, in collectivist societies, people view themselves as members of larger groups and are expected to take responsibility in caring for each other. (Gill, 2017). Power distance level varies in countries. In high power distance societies (Latin America, Asia, Africa) people generally accept power as an integral part of society, hierarchy and power inequality are considered appropriate and beneficial. In contrast, low power distance countries (Israel, Denmark, Ireland) value equality and seek to minimize various kinds of social class inequality. Uncertainty avoidance is the extent to which a society feels threatened by ambiguous situations. People from high uncertainty avoidance tend to have rules to avoid conflict. In regards to masculine cultures, values such as achievements, ambition, power, and assertiveness are preferred over tender values. (Gill, 2017). In all, it is essential that firms and organizations understand all the different cultures around the world to the business successfully and have durable relationships. Africa) people generally accept power as an integral part of society, hierarchy and power inequality are considered appropriate and beneficial. In contrast, low power distance countries (Israel, Denmark, Ireland) value equality and seek to minimize various kinds of social class inequality. Uncertainty avoidance is the extent to which a society feels threatened by ambiguous situations. People from high uncertainty avoidance tend to have rules to avoid conflict. In regards to masculine cultures, values such as achievements, ambition, power, and assertiveness are preferred over tender values. (Gill, 2017). In all, it is essential that firms and organizations understand all the different cultures around the world to the business successfully and have durable relationships. Africa) people generally accept power as an integral part of society, hierarchy and power inequality are considered appropriate and beneficial. In contrast, low power distance countries (Israel, Denmark, Ireland) value equality and seek to minimize various kinds of social class inequality. Uncertainty avoidance is the extent to which a society feels threatened by ambiguous situations. People from high uncertainty avoidance tend to have rules to avoid conflict. In regards to masculine cultures, values such as achievements, ambition, power, and assertiveness are preferred over tender values. (Gill, 2017). In all, it is essential that firms and organizations understand all the different cultures around the world to the business successfully and have durable relationships. hierarchy and power inequality are considered appropriate and beneficial. In contrast, low power distance countries (Israel, Denmark, Ireland) value equality and seek to minimize various kinds of social class inequality. Uncertainty avoidance is the extent to which a society feels threatened by ambiguous situations. People from high uncertainty avoidance tend to have rules to avoid conflict. In regards to masculine cultures, values such as achievements, ambition, power, and assertiveness are preferred over tender values. (Gill, 2017). In all, it is essential that firms and organizations understand all the different cultures around the world to the business successfully and have durable relationships. hierarchy and power inequality are considered appropriate and beneficial. In contrast, low power distance countries (Israel, Denmark, Ireland) value equality and seek to minimize various kinds of social class inequality. Uncertainty avoidance is the extent to which a society feels threatened by ambiguous situations. People from high uncertainty avoidance tend to have rules to avoid conflict. In regards to masculine cultures, values such as achievements, ambition, power, and assertiveness are preferred over tender values. (Gill, 2017). In all, it is essential that firms and organizations understand all the different cultures around the world to the business successfully and have durable relationships. Ireland) value equality and seek to minimize various kinds of social class inequality. Uncertainty avoidance is the extent to which a society feels threatened by ambiguous situations. People from high uncertainty avoidance tend to have rules to avoid conflict. In regards to masculine cultures, values such as achievements, ambition, power, and assertiveness are preferred over tender values. (Gill, 2017). In all, it is essential that firms and organizations understand all the different cultures around the world to the business successfully and have durable relationships. Ireland) value equality and seek to minimize various kinds of social class inequality. Uncertainty avoidance is the extent to which a society feels threatened by ambiguous situations. People from high uncertainty avoidance tend to have rules to avoid conflict. In regards to masculine cultures, values such as achievements, ambition, power, and assertiveness are preferred over tender values. (Gill, 2017). In all, it is essential that firms and organizations understand all the different cultures around the world to the business successfully and have durable relationships. values such as achievements, ambition, power, and assertiveness are preferred over tender values. (Gill, 2017). In all, it is essential that firms and organizations understand all the different cultures around the world to the business successfully and have durable relationships. values such as achievements, ambition, power, and assertiveness are preferred over tender values. (Gill, 2017). In all, it is essential that firms and organizations understand all the different cultures around the world to the business successfully and have durable relationships. 

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