HRM talent Management

    For this assessment task you are required to research the topic on “Talent Management” and read the case, “War for Talent” by Kip Frame. The case is given below in this document. You should study, critically analyse the case and respond to the issues raised within the context of an argumentative/ academic essay. You are expected to engage in extensive research within the academic literature relating to talent management in contemporary HRM field. You must explain your findings regarding talent management issues in the context of the above cited case.

    In your essay, you must address the following issues:

    1. Put forward a business case for organisations to adopt talent management as part of their strategic human resource management.

    2. Identify key talent management strategies that organisations can adopt. Analyse how diversity, job design and flexibility contribute to attraction and retention of talent in organisations.

    3. Explain the importance of effective leadership in an organisation towards managing talent. What skills/competencies do leaders and managers require to retain a diverse workforce?

    The assignment should be a properly constructed academic essay. It should contain an effective introduction, discussion body (addressing the three issues) and a comprehensive conclusion.

    The introduction should introduce the essay, thesis statement (main objective of the assignment) and include your argument. The main body of the assignment should present the evidence you have collected to support your arguments for the three issues and the conclusion should restate your arguments, summarise the evidence and provide an inference based on your arguments.

    Further Instructions on format of essay:

    1st para: Introduction

    2nd Para: Definition and meaning of talent management

    3rd para: Answer question no. 1 including following details

    Pretend you are convincing your boss to adopt talent management in your company. In this part convince him why is it important? Here are some points which you can use

    * Talented people will support during economic downfall

    * Less outsourcing can be done if talented people are in organisation

    * More profir

    * Give examples of companies whose have used talent management as part of their policy

    * Change in strategy of an organisation will be supported through the use of talent management.

    Next para:Answer question no.2. In this para also explain why to do talent management. Find theories of good job design, flexibility and diversity management and give company example for each.

    Next para: Answer question no. 3. In this question also explain how to do talent management using kip frame article. Also state the skills and competencies requirement.

    Next para: conclusion

    Additional references:

    * Use the kip frame article’s reference as provided in the case study at least three times in your essay.

    * Also use the following articles: (in addition to the 12 journal articles requirement)

    * Beechler,S. & Ian C. Woodward, 2009, “The global ‘war for talent’, Journal of International Management 15, pp.273–285

    * Collings, D & K.Mellahi, 2009, ‘Strategic talent management: A review and research agenda’, Human Resource Management Review, Volume 19, Issue 4, pp. 30–313


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