HPV vaccine

    HPV vaccine
    In the late 1800s/early 1900s infectious disease was the leading cause of death in America and average lifespan was in the 40s. The introduction of mandatory immunizations in public schools and advancements in medical technology helped increase lifespan to the 70s. Infectious disease is no longer the leading cause of death and has been replaced by chronic disease (long lasting/persisting diseases such as diabetes) as the leading cause of death.
    Discuss the controversy that surrounds requiring the HPV vaccination for school aged girls. Governor Ricky Perry of Texas tried to implement a statewide policy which would require girls attending public schools to get the HPV vaccination but was unsuccessful.

    Discuss the benefits of requiring the HPV vaccine in public schools. What type of cancer has it been shown to prevent in women? How many cancer causing strains of HPV does the vaccine protect patients against? When does the HPV vaccine work best (before initiation of what?)

    Discuss the risks associated with requiring the HPV vaccine in public schools. How old is the vaccine? What specific side effects do studies link the vaccine with? What are the moral and ethical issues related to requiring this particular vaccine?

    Discuss your opinion on requiring the HPV vaccination for girls in public schools. Do you think the benefits outweigh the risks? Why or why not? If so, what evidence did you find in your research to support your opinion? If not, what alternatives would you suggest besides requiring the vaccine?





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