How would you prepare to carry out an effective safeguarding investigation? (You may attach prepared scripts as appendix to your exam)

    1. How would you prepare to carry out an effective safeguarding investigation? (You may attach prepared scripts as appendix to your exam)
    (For the answer they could talk about current safeguarding process for local authorities)
    2. What is the role supervision plays in Social work practice?
    (For the answer could do a table that shows two different supervision types. Then choose one of them and why I chose that type of supervision and then answer the question saying what role that supervision plays in social work practice)
    3. Summarize the Munro reforms and your views on their implementation to date
    (The answer could include what the Munro report says and also what the current social worker society thinks about it)
    4. Discuss how do we currently understand child neglect within the family?
    Answer to include:
    • Current model of neglect
    • What is neglect?
    • Analysis of difference between poverty and neglect?
    • How many neglect cases in the U.K? (Attach the map from guardian newspaper website)
    • What theoretical model of neglect is out there?
    • Actually why does neglect occur?
    5. Is a radical approach to practice compatible with child safeguarding social work?
    Answer can be broken down by saying
    (What this radical practice? What is safeguarding? These points can be argued. Also talk about the difference between radical practice and clinical practice. Refer to Michael Lavellet. Also talk about structural inequalities.)
    6. Apply the signs of safety model to the case example. You may submit previously prepared materiel or diagrams as part of this answer
    Case example
    A girl in her early teens (whom we will call Gail) was raped by her stepfather’s brother (Alan) while on a camping trip. The mother,Helen, had not participated inthe weekend’s activities, but immediately recognized that something was wrong when Gail returned home. Helen made her daughter sit down and talk, and in this way she found out what had occurred. At the same time, Gail also revealed to her mother that her stepfather (Thomas) had been sexually abusing her for the past two years. Helen immediately confronted Thomas and demanded that he leave the family home. Following this, a member of the extended family notified the child protection service. Helen was terrified when the child protection worker first visited. Her previous experience of “the welfare” had been negative and she was scared that all her children would be removed. (Gail was the eldest of four. Bill, her full brother, was two years her junior, and the youngest two, both preschoolers, were Thomas’s natural children). The case was further complicated by long-standing antagonism in Helen’s extended family: Several relatives viewed her as an unfit parent and, on several occasions, had reported her to the child protection authorities. This was in part fueled by the fact that Thomas had fathered a child with Helen’s sister. It was the sister who initiated most of the reports. On the first home visit, the worker entered the messiest house that was she had encountered in her many years’ experience. She found a family and mother with a highly chaotic lifestyle. Being sensitive to the signs of safety, the worker acknowledged that Helen had already made significant efforts to improve Gail’s safety. The worker was very mindful of Helen’s fears of “the welfare” and was careful to compliment Helen on her commitment to her children, the manner in which she approached her daughter such that the girl was able to reveal the rape and abuse, and her determination in forcing the abuser to leave the family. In the second contact with Helen and Gail, the worker discovered that Thomas had returned several times, ostensibly to visit his own two preschool-aged children, when Gail was home and no other adults were present.

    (For all answers use references where necessary. Make sure to attach a reference list at the end.)


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