How to win customers and keep them for life.Michael Leboeufsentence.


    How well the paper is organized and the quality of the writing style will be considered in grading.

    Content: Write the report using a professional tone, as if you are writing a review for publication in a
    newspaper or magazine. Assume that your reader has never seen or even heard of this book. Your report should
    contain both objective (factual) and subjective (opinion) information.

    The objective portion should:

    ? Discuss the overall purpose of the book. Who it its intended audience?

    ? Describe the book?s organization and content. For example, how many pages? How many chapters? Is the book
    divided into sections? If so, what are they? Are there illustrations or diagrams? Are there activities or
    exercises? Etc.

    ? What are the author?s qualifications for writing this book? (This is a question you may or may not be able to
    answer, depending on the information given.)

    ? Discuss the main points of the book. Here it is important to remember that you are summarizing, not re-writing!

    ? Connect the book to our course so far. In what ways does the book reinforce and/or demonstrate principles we?ve
    learned? Does it contradict anything we?ve learned? Does it present new information that we haven?t covered?

    In the subjective portion, present your opinion:

    ? What did you like or dislike about it? What part(s) made the greatest impression on you? Why?

    ? Do you recommend this book to others? Why or why not?


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