How the Nurse informaticist transitions from novice to expert using the Scope and practice as a guideline (using benner’s novice to expert theory)

    Choose a topic relevant to the topics in the syllabus and which you have an interest.
    • Apply the theoretical framework of Benner’s Novice to Expert Theory to this topic of interest.
    • Use headings
    Abstract should be clear comprehensive overview of paper in 250 words or less
    Introduction should be comprehensive discussion on the purpose and importance of the topic
    Theoretical framework and review of literature – thorough accurate summary of previous work on the topic
    topic, including theoretical framework from DF 1
    Body – fully developed the topic with analysis of all major issues
    Implications – fully explored implications of the topic; including impact on the role of the NI specialist
    Conclusion and future directions – well developed conclusion with viable suggestions and clear rationale for future research or interventions
    Use 10 current evidence with at least 3 professional journals, books or websites with correct linkage to the topic

    Your paper must demonstrate a clear informatics topic. Do NOT apply the theory generally to nursing, instead select a nursing informatics topic from the syllabus and apply the theory to it. For example, how the nurse informaticist transitions from novice to expert using the Scope and Practice as a guideline. Keep in mind you must also provide a review of the literature that will discuss this topic progression. I hope this clarifies the assignment. The topic could be the profession of nursing informatics transitions from novice to expert. If reflecting on articles that tie Benner to nurses, always demonstrate how this applies to NI.

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