How Revolutionary was the American Revolution for Women?

    Women and the American Revolution

    In their Introduction to chapter 3 of our textbook Through Women’s Eyes, authors Ellen Carol DuBois and Lynn Dumenil write:
    “…[W]omen actively participated — although usually in distinctly gendered ways — in the American Revolution and the founding of the new nation.” (TWE 122)
    Our goal with this DB2 assignment is to address the following question: How Revolutionary was the American Revolution for Women?
    Though we often think of the American Revolution as the moment when Americans earned their “freedom” from England, your assigned reading and lecture material this week show a more complicated reality where women’s liberties were concerned. Certainly many women supported the revolutionary cause, but it seems fair to question whether the American Revolution did much to make those women any more “free” than they had been under England.
    Using information from the chapter three of our textbook (Through Women’s Eyes) as well as this week’s lecture “Gender After the American Revolution,” answer the following historical question: How Revolutionary was the American Revolution for Women?
    Consult our textbook (Through Women’s Eyes) and our week 2 lecture “Gender After the American Revolution” to help provide historical context and detailed information for your post. Minimum 300 words.
    Be sure to avoid plagiarism. While you can use the information to help form and inform your own thoughts, or even quote directly from the textbook or lecture, be sure that the words you write are your own! Any post that includes words copied from another source without acknowledgment (in the form of quotation marks) is guilty of plagiarism and will receive a score of 0 and your name will be forwarded to the dean. If you do include direct quotes they must be set off by quotation marks, and you should indicate the page number where you found the passage in the TWE textbook in parenthesis at the end of the sentence (just as I did in the quote above), or if quoted from the lecture, simply write (lecture) at the end of the passage.
    Note: do not cite other sources beyond our TWE textbook and lecture in support of your post. I do not have time to chase down every internet or wikipedia source, and thus have no easy way to judge their reliability. I am interested to see what you can do with the sources I have assigned.

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