How Practices Of Branding And Commodification Communicate Particular Stories And Histories About Cities And The Economic And Cultural Implications Of These Stories

    Assignment Requirements


    Critically examine the phenomena of the
    global, post-industrial city using at least one case study. In your response you must consider at least one of
    the following:

    To understand and critically engage with the following concepts: industrialisation; urbanisation;
    governance; biopolitics and neoliberalism.
    • To explain how economic, colonial and ideological forces influence the material structure of cities; and
    how the city is produced as a semiotic and metaphorical space.
    • To critically reflect on your own and others’ experiences of cities as spaces of governance, commerce
    and leisure.
    • To respond creatively to the urban and demographic changes in cities bought about by communication
    technologies and practices.
    • To situate the city as an object of analysis in communication, media and film studies.
    • To read and discuss new ideas and ways of thinking!

    The final section of the paper examines the city as a global commodity. We examine how cities are branded
    and which aspects of their history, design, culture or population are deemed of value. The paper concludes
    with an exploration of the pre-modern ghost sightings and hauntings that continue to invade the technologically
    developed, post-industrial city-space.

    how practices of branding and commodification communicate particular stories and histories about
    cities and the economic and cultural implications of these stories.

    here are some links and resources related to ghost tourism in Dunedin.

    An episode of Ghost Hunters which focuses on Larnach Castle:

    Some news reports and links to Ghost Tourism in Dunedin:

    I realise this is not a substitute for actually going on the tour but you should be able to analyse the common tropes and discourses around ghosts, settler colonialism and the experience economy based on the experiences of tourists mentioned in the links – some of them quote the ghost tour operator Andrew and describe going on the tour.

    Branding the city
    Kaplan, M. D., Yurt, O., Guneri, B. & Kurtulus, K. (2010). Branding places: applying brand personality concept
    to cities. European Journal of Marketing, 44(9/10), 1286-1304.
    Morgan, N., Pritchard, A., & Piggott, R. (2002, April). New Zealand, 100% Pure: The creation of a powerful
    niche destination brand. Journal of Brand Management, 9(4/5), 335-354.

    The neoliberal city
    Theodore, N., Peck, J. & Brenner, N. (2011). Neoliberal Urbanism: Cities and the Rule of the Markets. In G.
    Bridge & S. Watson (Eds.)), The New Blackwell Companion to the City (pp. 15-25). London: Wiley-Blackwell.

    Weber, R. (2002). Extracting Value from the City: Neoliberalism and Urban Redevelopment. Antipode, 34(3),

    City tourism
    Chatterton, P. (1999, May). University students and city centres—the formation of exclusive geographies: The
    case of Bristol, UK. Geoforum, 30(2), 117-133.

    Lorentzen, A. (2009). Cities in the experience economy. European Planning Studies, 17(6), 829-845.
    Paganoni, M. C. (2012). City Branding and Social Inclusion in the Glocal City. Mobilities, 7(1), 13-31.

    Haunting the city
    Banerjee, S. B., & Osuri, G. (2000 May). Silences of the media: whiting out Aboriginality in making news and
    making history. Media Culture Society, 22(3), 263-284.

    These are the important references:

    Johansson, M., & Kociatkiewicz, J. (2011, October). City Festivals: Creativity and Control in Staged Urban Experiences. European Urban and Regional Studies, 18(4), 392-405.

    Miles, S. (2012, July). The neoliberal city and the pro-active complicity of the citizen consumer. Journal of Consumer Culture, 12(2), 216-230.

    Cook, I., et al. (2004, September). Follow the Thing: Papaya. Antipode, 36(4), 642-664.

    Holloway, J. (2010). Legend-tripping in spooky spaces: ghost tourism and infrastructures of enchantment. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 28(4), 618-637.

    These references above, you will have to put them all anazlyse them and explain in the essay. Thank you.


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