How Online Social Networking Began

    instructor order

    Read Boyd & Ellison: A History You Will Love: How Online Social Networking Began URL (on Moodle)

    Journal Blog Assignments (worth 5% of your final grade)

    Please carefully read the journal article assigned and do the following:

    Cite the article at the top of the page in either MLA or APA format (see examples below)
    Example of Citations


    Atkinson, Joshua D. “Networked activism and the broken multiplex: Exploring fractures in the resistance performance paradigm.”Communication Studies 60.1 (2009): 49-65.


    Atkinson, J. D. (2009). Networked activism and the broken multiplex: Exploring fractures in the resistance performance paradigm.Communication Studies, 60 (1), 49-65.

    Summarize what you read (What is the point of this article)
    What did you take away from this reading (What did you find interesting)?
    How does this reading fit into what we have discussed in class so far?
    Your response should be 400 words long. Please do a word count to make sure you meet this requirement (To complete a word count you can copy and paste what you have typed on your blog to a word document and initiate a word count).
    Grading Rubric for Journal Blog Assignments

    You Completed the Following

    Points Awarded

    Cited Article/s Correctly in MLA or APA=1

    Summarized Article/s=2

    Stated what you took away from Article=2

    Explained how the Readings connect to discussions in Class=2

    Your response was at least 400 words long=3


    Response to Classmate Journal Blog Posts (5% of Final Grade)

    You will select a blog post of two classmates for Journal Assignment 1 & 2. Respond to their posts. This should be completed not more than 48 hours after the assignment is due. Please follow the instructions below when completing this assignment:

    A high-quality reply posting to a Blog Assignment is well developed (at least a couple of paragraphs), provides relevant information (content that adds to the conversation in a meaningful way), and is carefully written (demonstrates correct and fluent writing). Also, be sure that your feedback/comments to other classmates are not merely your agreement or disagreement with their posts. Instead, you consider doing the following: focus on a specific issue that was raised; you may challenge an assumption that was made; you may tie the topic to a previous reading; or engage, in some way, a conversation with the author.

    Grading Rubric for responding to Blog posts

    You Completed the Following

    Points Awarded

    Well developed (at least a couple of paragraphs),=1

    Provided relevant information (content that adds to the conversation in a meaningful way)=3

    Response is carefully written (demonstrates correct and fluent writing).=1


    and this is the link for the reading

    please try to write 300 words and please use very easy vocabulary .

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