How new technology affect the social, cultural, and political growth of the US between the years of 1760 and 1876?

    2-3 pages
    Single Spaced
    Times New Roman 12 pt. font
    Your paper should also have two reasonably sized images (e.g. image of characters/events/maps).
    MLA Citation Format

    Research question: How did new technology affect the social, cultural, and political growth of the US between the years of 1760 and 1876?

    Follow the below outline for the paper.

    Part 1
    Research Question/Thesis statement-Introduction-Approach
    Why did you pick this topic?
    What do you want to learn?  What are the questions you must ask?
    What criteria will you use to evaluate what you find?

    Part II

    What happened? (historical background)
    Key Players/Key Moments/Turning Points
    What were the Key Influences
    What did it mean to that era?
    Results-What was the final result of the events of that era?
    Effects-How did it change the way…
    we did things because of the changes in that era?
    we interpreted what you studied?
    What was the impact for the future

    Part 3
    Effect on us today in 2014 (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT)
    Does this have meaning for us today? Why or why not?
    What is next for this topic; where will the future lead us
    After studying this topic, if you were to study it further, what questions would you ask next; what new parts would you research.

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