How mankind is helping in reducing fossil fuels and finding greener and more efficient way of life

    Here are some of my concerns,
    The tile is too wordy, needs to be shortened but still about the topic.
    Format was not quite right, headings not formatted correctly plus there are too many, No need for a table of contents.
    There is not at least one visual. Need a graph,statistic chart etc about the topic
    Grammar errors and typo’s
    The abstract was too long (120 words give or take) and did not summarize effectively.
    The introduction was too general and not enough background info with a vague thesis statement.
    Body paragraph needs a topic sentence that develops one main point that relates to the thesis
    2 sources listed seem irrelevant to the stated topic, all info from sources need to be effectively explained and analysed.
    Sources that seemed irrelevant are Abdeen M.O and Cardwell D (Need two new relevant sources to replace these two)
    Did not explain exactly what biomass was.
    No need for the 2.0 Literature Review in the paper.

    Those are some of the issues that need to be address, The following will be what is required for this paper that I would like you to double check and provide additional research if needed.

    1) Title page is correctly formatted & has a title that addresses both the topic and the main idea.
    2) Abstract is correctly formatted and effectively summarizes the paper.
    3) Introduction is clear and engaging, provides background info that is not too general or vague and ends in a CLEAR thesis statement.
    4)Each body paragraph has a topic sentence & develops one main point that relates to the thesis
    5) Each paragraph contains sufficient specific information to support its point.
    6) All info from sources is effectively explained and analysed
    7) Paper includes 1-2 informative graphics that are effectively incorporated and explained.
    8) Reference page is correctly formatted and punctuated.
    9) All sources from paper are listed on references page

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