how governments sometimes hide the full truth behind euphemisms and other careful word choices

    how governments sometimes hide the full truth behind euphemisms and other careful word choices

    Write an essay that explains how governments sometimes hide the full truth behind euphemisms and other careful word choices. Be sure to name, define, and set parameters for the words/phrases you choose

    English 1020-552 Essay Parameters

    All essays in this class will follow the SEEK parameters as listed below. All papers should follow the MLA style format for manuscripts and citation/documentation: Times New Roman font, size 12, 1” margins on all sides, MLA header on page one in upper left-hand corner (Your name, Instructor name, Course, Due Date), and last name and page numbers in upper right-hand corner. All papers are to be 4-6 pages, not including Works Cited page. Essay due dates are listed on the syllabus.
    SEEK Parameters
    Define the problem by writing a clear thesis statement and then expanding on that thesis as needed to fully explain the issue and explore causes and effects. In other words, “show” the reader of your paper that the problem really does exist.
    Design a solution by:
    • Identifying and analyzing several possible ways to solve the problem through research.
    • Proposing solutions based on your research, being sure to consider and articulate the possible positive and/negative effect(s) (yes, solutions have effects, too) of each solution.
    • Selecting the solution or solutions you think most likely to solve or alleviate the problem and propose a plan of action. Your research should support the solution you have chosen.
    • Complete the research and write the essay. Place it in the appropriate Drop-box. When you upload your essay into the Drop-Box, post the topic you selected in the Comments box on the upload page.
    • To the best of your ability, explain or describe how you think the solution or solutions chosen might be put into action (implemented). If the problem is one that you have some control over, actually implement (or begin implementing the plan and evaluate your progress).

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