How FBI made an arrest on two Brothers from Oakland Park that plead guilty to the NYC terror plot

    This is a Intelligence Analysis & Security course. This paper shouldn’t be a story but it should be more about what are some of the intelligence that were used to make the arrest of the two brothers etc…The paper does not have to include the title page. The five pages will include 1. the Abstract (Introduction) DO NOT INDENT. Which should list 3 analysis that can be used as intelligence information. You can choose the 3 from these (Association Analysis, Bank Record Analysis, Telephone Record Analysis, and Activity Flow Analysis). There will be a list that I uploaded with different analysis and Synthesis you can chose 3 main ones to discuss in the paper. 2. (INDENT) Give a brief paragraph or so about the topic. All material clearly related to subtopics, main topic, and logically organized within subtopics followed by the first body of intelligence analysis. 3. Body/ Support sources selected to support what was written in the introduction. and the remaining two plus the conclusion should be on it’s own page. And the conclusion can be an opinion as well and how intelligence help to solve the case. The paper needs to FOCUSED ON A INTELLIGENCE stand point and NOT SO MUCH ON THE TOPIC.
    The article and other information will be uploaded. any other information feel free to call me. I also forgot to upload one more thing but i will do it tomorrow not that important.

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