How does walking compared to running affect insulin response within 15-30 minute intervals


    This is suppose to be a specific Aims clearly stating the Aims at the bottom of the write up. An example will be provided if suppose to be a one Specific Aims clearly stating the Aims at the bottom of the write up. An example will be provided if needed.

    1) Introduction: Explaining your strong opening sentence, current knowledge, gap in the knowledge base that needs to be addressed and statement of need and objective evidence for its existence (5 points)

    2) Explanation of What, Why, and Who. Basically leading the audience through the focused progression. There should be a mention of the long term goal, the objective of the project, and the central hypothesis and the rationale for how it was formulated (5 points)long term goal, the objective of the project, and the central hypothesis and the rationale for how it was formulated (5 points)

    3) Specific Aims (5 points) This will be different depending on whether this is a hypothesis driven project or a needs driven project. Regardless you need to lead the audience through your aims. Explain what the IV and DVs are. Explain the population that will be studied. Explain the study design and how it is leading to a project that avoids internal and external threats to validity yet allows the project to be completed in a reasonable amount of time and is feasible to conduct.hypothesis driven project or a needs driven project. Regardless you need to lead the audience through your aims. Explain what the IV and DVs are. Explain the population that will be studied. Explain the study design and how it is leading to a project that avoids internal and external threats to validity yet still allows the project to be completed in a reasonable amount of time and is feasible to conduct.

    4) Payoff (5 points). This is where you describe the expected outcomes from completing the project. In addition you explain the generalizations regarding positive impact related to the completed. outcomes from completing the project. In additional you explain the generalizations regarding positive impact related to the completed. 

    5) Overall demonstration of a linear progression of logic among all of your content (5 points). As shown in the specific aims packet there needs to be a strong linear progression between the 1) Gap, 2) Objective, 3) Central Hypothesis, 4) Specific Aims, and 5) Expected outcomes. 

    1. Does a single bout of resistance or aerobic exercise after insulin dose reduction modulate glycaemic control in type… by Gordon, Brett A; Bird, Stephen R; MacIsaac, Richard J

    2. Effects of Different Modes of Exercise Training on Glucose Control and Risk Factors for Complications in Type 2… by Neil J. Snowling; Will G. Hopkins

    3. Pumping insulin during exercise: what healthcare providers and diabetic patients need to know by Colberg, Sheri R; Walsh, John

    4. Physical activity and the risk of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis by Aune, Dagfinn; Norat, Teresa; Leitzmann, Michael

    5. Studies from the University of Copenhagen Have Provided New Data on Type 2 Diabetes (Exercise and type 2 diabetes: … by Health & Medicine Week, 12/2016

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